divendres, 18 de gener del 2008
My summer in Oxford
Now I went to explain my summer in Oxford, I went there with a friend Rebecca I can say that it was fantastic!! Because 3 weeks without parents and with friends it’s a perfect think in the world =D.
But I went there for improve my English, and also for learn more new languages, because there I met friends of different countries. I think there we were different people of 30 countries as for example Japan, China, Citrus, Russia, Germany…and more.
I went to a summer school, but there in the other seasons is a school. The name of the place it’s Saint Edward School, it’s a typical English school, old and beautiful, that you can see in the films, with a big garden in the middle, the principal area, a big dinning room, a little church, a big park, and the residences it’s the place went I’d my room, the boys and girls are separate whit houses, or residence, that it’s the same, my residence it’s call McNamara’s house, there we had a lot of thinks, how a kitchen with cookies, coffee, tea, a internet area, the bed rooms, the room, and the toilets and the shower room.
In the room I stayed whit a Japanese girl and a French girl, the both are very nice, pleasant, and friendly.
Now how I can explain the dinning room I need to explain the food!! I said the food in England is terrible! The only things I can eat are a fast food: McDonald’s, Burger king, I know that is bad for me, but the food in the school are so bad, and there we eat every day pasta or pizza, the best food there. And also in our free time we went to a supermarket to buy some chocolate and good food like sandwich.
This course it’s same a school, because I did classes 5 days a week, but I had free days on Wednesday, Thursday half a Tuesday, for me the week started on Fridays. The classes were very exiting, because We didn’t do typical class whit a book if not we learned things whit games, speaking, thinks of the reality, and mixed whit this we learn something new, I think you learn more whit this funny elements. And in the afternoon we did another different class, but every week we changed. These classes are like drama, make adverts, does music… there you learn thinks you maybe can use in the real live.
I and my other Spanish friend did an International Sports Academy, there we played basketball in a pavilion, and we did every day accept our free days 3 hours of basketball! It’s mortal! But if I can say the truth, there we were more people of Oxford than the other countries.
In our free days we went to excursions, we went 2 days in London normally 3 hours visited monuments, like the eye tower and National Gallery and 5 hours shopping, we went also to Bath, and to Brighton this is the capital of the “gays in Britain” it’s true, in the street were a lot of flags of gays and lesbian, I don’t understand why we went there, because it’s a boring place. And the half days we went to shopping in Oxford.
And for finish I explain my “last day in Oxford”, first in the night (at 8 o’clock) I cried and I was sad, because the people that I shared 3 fantastic weeks, I’m sure I don’t see more… this is the worse thing about this summer. And another thing it’s a secret…because how the teachers only left us 1 hour for stay together, in the night at 1 o’clock when everybody were sleeping, a fifty boys and girls escaped in the park in front of the school, and we stay 3 hours more together. How everybody stayed in different house, everybody escaped with different ways, for example I and 6 girls more, we went out of a window on the first flat, and after we climbed a wall of 2’5 meters, it was difficult but it was worthwhile.
Well this is a little summary of my 3 weeks in Oxford… I wait that you like. And if you want a question, this is the moment …
Ladron que roba a Ladron, it's another film. This is an action film, we can't look the forms for steal The steps are first. Make a plan, second: hire the help, third: turn up the heat, and the last one run like hell.
Mr. Woodkcock, it's a bad trainer for all the children. After it's the father of one of theirs. The mean will have do heal the wounds, feel the love of his new dad.
Sidne white, it's a girl that it's different to the others girls, because she it's the only girl that she doesn’t want to be same like the other girls, for this she has a war with them
5 new words:
- Taste: gust - steps: pas - leading: principal - wounds: ferida - heat: calor
Spice Girls
3 new words:
- packed into: tocar en un espai limitat -broke up: seperar-se -had a lot to prove: ja que eren molt bones
3 new words / expressions:
- having to battle this alone: tinguent una necessitat de lluitar sola - allowed: permès - slowly gaining: guanyava lentament
She has a doppleganger?
For Olivia this is a mistake that never can know because she never sees her doppelganger
3 new words:
- Doppelganger: doble - Tint her hair: Cabell tenyit - Impressive: impressionada
Yap-lication unlocks canine moods!!
The nuances of a dog's barks, howls, yaps and growls can now apparently be discerned by a new computer programme developed by Hungarian scientists.
The software is said to distinguish the emotional reaction of 14 dogs of the Hungarian Mudi breed.
After analysing 6,000 barks, it aims to determine when a dog has seen a ball, when it is fighting, playing, meeting a stranger or when it wants a walk.
But the scientists admit the technology only just out-performs humans.
While the computer correctly recognised the emotional state of 43% of dogs, humans did almost as well with 40%.
But the author of the research - Csaba Molnar, from Eotvos University in Budapest - says the software can be improved, and told the BBC it may have applications for analysis of human communication.
"I would say that we proved there are very strong contextual differences between the barks, but that very long further work is needed to determine which emotional states and which characteristics belong to each (different breed).
He added: "In the future we can use this software for any other vocal or any other signal categorisation."
The scientist also believes that later versions of the software could help owners and dog trainers identify more about dogs' well-being.
"A possible commercial application could be a device for dog-human communication," the scientist told Reuters news agency.
Csaba Molnar, from Eotvos University in Budapest , and her ajudants, invent a new and "revolution" machine. They invented a new computer programme for understand the emotions of a dog, now, if you can know what happened to your dog, if it has seen a ball, when it is fighting, playing, meeting a stranger or when it wants a walk... You only use this programme and you know what happen!
It's a new invent for relation humans and dogs, more than now...
It's interesting, maybe one day the dogs and the humans can understand...
dijous, 10 de gener del 2008
hello :) I'm...
My name is Mercè Bolasell, and I'm 15 years old. I live in Cstelló d'Empúries. My favorite sport is basketball I play this sport since eight years ago., i love so much. I wait that i can continuing playing more years.
My favorite hobby it's stay on the computer, and see films, a lot of kind of films, especially romantic films, and also I love read books, but i prefer read in spanish or catalan than in englhis, but this summer i read a littel book in english, i think that was complicated but in the end i can do =)
This summer I went to Oxford 3 weeks, for leran english and basketball, this 3 weeks were fantastic! fabolous, because I learned a lot and I met a lot of people of differents countris.
I think that this "holidays" are better for everybody, because you learn english is good for your future, how we said in clas this morning.
byye :) see you