dissabte, 8 de març del 2008


Well I do the summarize of some news, but how i didn’t search interesting news of this days, i search news that happened on 24 of December (the day when I born)
(in this web you found all of this news)

1962: Bay of Pigs prisoners fly to freedom
In this day the last one of more of 1000 prisoners has returned to USA. The government must to pay 53 million Dolars for the ransom of this mean. The airlift of the prisoners began on 23 of December, but on 24 of December USA was suspended the flays because all of familiars of the people was very nervous, but on 24 at night 1113 prisioners had been returned. But the returned had problems, because Fidel Castro had asked for 2.5$ more, but for luck on 24 of December some important person gave this money.

airlift: rescat aeri

ransom: rescat

prisioners: presoners

1974: 'Drowned' Stonehouse found alive
Former UK minister John Stonehouse has been found living under a false name in Australia whit his secretary, after apparently faking his own death. He was deportet to Britian because it was the culprit of stills and deceit. He was been in the jail for 3 years, after befor the heart surgery. He gets married whit the secretary. He died in 1988 at 62 years old

heart surgery: operació del cor

culprit: culpable


1968: First astronauts orbit Moon
The Apollo 8 spacecraft has taken its crew of three astronauts safely into orbit around the Moon, the firs mission that will be correct. The Apollo passed 20 hours around the moon. The astronaunt became how hero . The moon is essentially grey," he said. "No colour. Looks like plaster of Paris. Sort of a greyish beach sand” this are the words that said James Lovell when they saw the moon.

crew: tripulació

hero :herois

greyish: grisenc

1979: Europe launches first rocket
The first European-built rocket, Ariane 1, has successfully completed its maiden flight. The Test flight technicians have declared the flight an almost complete success, all it worked correctly. This only pas at 24 of December, some years ago the astronauts can’t do this work.

figth techicians: tècnics de vol

1988: Oilfields crippled after storage ship drifts
North Sea oil production has been dealt another blow just five months after the Piper Alpha disaster. Three North Sea oil fields have been shut down after a giant floating storage vessel, broke free of its moorings in gale-force winds. This is a big problem because they need to pay some milons, and the disaster are very very big, and the problem it’s that the experts don’t know what it’s the problem of Mendea (the sheap)

diaster: desastre

1997: Minister's son arrested in drug probe
The son of a Cabinet minister has been arrested on suspicion of supplying cannabis. He has been arrested after he went voluntarily to a police station, but they came there whit his father. The most exiting think it’s that the teenager offered to sell chunk of cannabis resin for 10 pounds and saying it was “good strong hash”.

dimecres, 5 de març del 2008

Oral presntation (comments)

3 facts
:) - :l :(]

Guillem - Jordi
- In scotland sepaks english and galic
- the patron is Saint Andrew
- baips – baips it’s a “gaita”
Their power point
The order of speaking


-The flag of Australia has the flag of Grain Britain
-Greater Barries Reef has 2600 km, you can see from Space
-Uluru it's mountain roke when the sun reflect in it, the reflect it's red
His accent

Cars and the culture
- The sharpe of Amercia and Bristihs car are very different
- British car has a beautiful interoir desigand big motors
- American cas has a potencial
The videos of the cars

Republic of South Africa
- South Africa has two countries into
- the poeple are dark-skined and white-skinned
- boke it's a typical animal
He didn't read the paper

- It isn't only a beach and party, it has bad and poor areas
- Blue mountain it's the typical simbol of Jamaica
- In the summer pas some huracans
Good pictures, and nice
They speak together, and ask-question

Las Vegas
- has a lot of imitations of citys and importants monuments
- has a big hotels and mareveillous casinos
- the image of sex drgus and alchol does a importan city
Structure of power point

- Sydney opera house is a very importan building
- Sydney has a brige it's one of the most larg of the world
- It has a lot of beachs
they compare photos

South Africa
- the most importan religion it's the protestan
- are more black people than "white"
- cape Agulhas dividing two oceans (indic - atlantic)
the photos

Genocid of Rowanda
- Two differents groups hutus - tutsi
- 1000 dead in 100 days. menority are tutsi
- hotel rowanda it's a good film to talk about Rowanda
She does her oral presentation without powerpoint

- Bath has a 1.000.000 visitors/year
- Lends it's a textil factory
- Manchester United won 2 times the UEFA, and 6 time the Champions
He does a virtual tour, it was funny


Hello class, Hello teachers.

Good morning everybody

Well, the country that we chose is Jamaica because we think that it’s a country that can interest to all the class. Ok, let’s start.

Jamaica it’s the third biggest island of Antilles. The Capital is Kingston that it’s the biggest commercial city. The official language is English but the Jamaicans spoke a local dialect which is a mixture of words in Spanish, African and French

The islanders are nice and friendly people and they love smiling. His economy is based on the fishing, the growing of pigs and the cultivation of their lands. They still follow the tradition of build their house with wood and paint the wall with shine colors. The music is in their blood, and they love dancing. The minimum musical sound in the distance takes them to it.

I’m sure that everybody sometimes have been listening about the (restafarismo), but I think that anybody know a lot about it. The (restafarismo) isn’t a religion, it’s is a culture, that was born in Jamaica, and it around all the Caribe and in the black communities of Gran Britain and USA. His culture is based on the bible.

For them, the (rasta) is a very important symbol and they respect it a lot,
The flag of the (rastafirs) is red, that means the blood spread of our brothers, the yellow the gold, the green it means the grow, and the black the colour of the skin of their brothers

Well now we speak about the music of Jamaica. Jamaica has different kinds of music like, ska, rocksteady, dub, dancehall, ragga y ragga jungle, and finally the most typical and that everybody knows is the REGGAE
The reggae is a derivation of ragga, that is an abbreviation of raggamuffin, in English his significate is harapiento. We use this label to descript the poor in Jamaica, and also the Rastas and cultural movements of the poor districts.
The name “reggay” his means is “regular”.

The most popular music is the reggae wich Bob Marley created, who did a culture, with his music. The first kind is ska where he was the father. Also, he create a band called: “The Skatalites”. Other oldest music on the island is Mento, the Ghost and Calypso.

The Reggae’s father is Bob Marley that you know. Bob Marley was a musician and member of Rastafari Moviment.
Their songs talk about peace and love, and whit their rhythm people fly and discover other fascinating worlds.

One of the best-known anecdotes about the Jamaica sport is the victory of his selection in the world championship bobsleigh, a winter sport.
Jake the other day said that Jamaica hasn’t got a good team of Football, but we say now, that in 1998 Jamaica went to World Cup of football, this it’s a great job, but they only got 3 points, and they can’t passed to the other round.

If you go to Jamaica don’t forget to eat the most famous lunch: “the rondón” and the “bushy” that is a very delicious drink but also is very strong, control because you can get drunk.

(laia - black / mercè - purple)

at the moment I can't put the video, I have a lot of problems..

dissabte, 1 de març del 2008


After we reading the book and after watching the film, we saw that the book and the film had a differences:
Elisabeth in the book has got blue eyes and blond hair -- She has got brown eyes and dark hair.
Victor has got young brother twins (William - Ernest) -- He has got only a young brother (William)
Victor’s father dies of sadness after Elisabeth’s death -- Frankiestein kills Victor’s father
Victor creates Elisabeth after she dies -- This topyc hadn't pass.
Frankenstein has a yellow eyes and the skin also, and he has 2,50m -- He is a normaly person, but he is very ugly
Victor met Henry Clerval in the university --- they are childhood friends
Henry dead -- He didn't dead
Felix and Agatha, the poor family, they are a marriage -- they are brothers
They do the honey moon in their house -- they went in front of the one lake

legend: purple --> book / black --> film

It's a good history?
Well I think that this film it's a very importan and famous, in my opinion I think that it was better films than this, but well I liked to see it.

My cousin


He’s Aleix is my cousin. Went he was born I went to the hospital to saw him, and my uncles said if I want to do bridesmaid, and of course I said yes!
He’s only 1 year but for his age he’s tall. He has a green and grey eyes, his eyes are strange, because went he stay in the shadow his eyes are dark green but went he stay in the sun his eyes are green-grey, a strange color that I never had seen. He’s blonde, it’s strange because all the family has dark hair, but I think that when he will be older his hair will change.
He is little, but this doesn’t mean that he hasn’t got a character. He is very nice, when someone go to him they always smile, although when he has bad humor, it’s terrible because he starts to put bad faces and crying, and nobody can catch him. Also he has a strongly character, because if you did something that he didn’t like he always start “speaking” he said “eh eh”, but not whit a nice voice if not with a strongly voice. Sometimes he has two-faced, because a part that he is a nice baby, he sometimes search the people for lunch or dinner, for the food, he is intelligent for this, and for other things. How he is a baby he is a naughty, he loves playing whit “lego”, and always went I finished to do a house he just destroyed it.
He is my first little cousin, my other cousin are older than me, for this I considerate that he is a treasure, maybe are my imaginations, but sometimes when I was sad, he came to me and he sits in my legs, and he huge me or sometimes he does the clown! It’s very nice! Maybe he does involuntary, but this thing do that day by day I love him much, because I must to say that first of all, I thought that he was a “silly” baby, because everybody do more case, maybe are the jealous, but now I don’t think so and I think that it’s the best cousin that someone can has.

part 1.wav