(in this web you found all of this news)
1962: Bay of Pigs prisoners fly to freedom
In this day the last one of more of 1000 prisoners has returned to USA. The government must to pay 53 million Dolars for the ransom of this mean. The airlift of the prisoners began on 23 of December, but on 24 of December USA was suspended the flays because all of familiars of the people was very nervous, but on 24 at night 1113 prisioners had been returned. But the returned had problems, because Fidel Castro had asked for 2.5$ more, but for luck on 24 of December some important person gave this money.
airlift: rescat aeri
ransom: rescat
prisioners: presoners
1974: 'Drowned' Stonehouse found alive
Former UK minister John Stonehouse has been found living under a false name in Australia whit his secretary, after apparently faking his own death. He was deportet to Britian because it was the culprit of stills and deceit. He was been in the jail for 3 years, after befor the heart surgery. He gets married whit the secretary. He died in 1988 at 62 years old
heart surgery: operació del cor
culprit: culpable
1968: First astronauts orbit Moon
The Apollo 8 spacecraft has taken its crew of three astronauts safely into orbit around the Moon, the firs mission that will be correct. The Apollo passed 20 hours around the moon. The astronaunt became how hero . The moon is essentially grey," he said. "No colour. Looks like plaster of Paris. Sort of a greyish beach sand” this are the words that said James Lovell when they saw the moon.
crew: tripulació
hero :herois
greyish: grisenc
1979: Europe launches first rocket
The first European-built rocket, Ariane 1, has successfully completed its maiden flight. The Test flight technicians have declared the flight an almost complete success, all it worked correctly. This only pas at 24 of December, some years ago the astronauts can’t do this work.
figth techicians: tècnics de vol
1988: Oilfields crippled after storage ship drifts
North Sea oil production has been dealt another blow just five months after the Piper Alpha disaster. Three North Sea oil fields have been shut down after a giant floating storage vessel, broke free of its moorings in gale-force winds. This is a big problem because they need to pay some milons, and the disaster are very very big, and the problem it’s that the experts don’t know what it’s the problem of Mendea (the sheap)
diaster: desastre
1997: Minister's son arrested in drug probe
The son of a Cabinet minister has been arrested on suspicion of supplying cannabis. He has been arrested after he went voluntarily to a police station, but they came there whit his father. The most exiting think it’s that the teenager offered to sell chunk of cannabis resin for 10 pounds and saying it was “good strong hash”.