divendres, 30 de maig del 2008

Final evaluation

Observing your portfolio, can you see an improvement on your level of Englis since September 2007? Where, for example?

Yes, I improve my level of English thanks the portfolio, for example now I use phrasal verbs and before I didn’t use, I thing that the phrasal verbs are a good things because everybody use it. And also now I don’t use so much the Word THAN,a girl Olivia, that she thing that she (She has a doppleganger?) well I use it, but not always than in September, because now I know when it’s possible to use and when no. And my first writing was words easiest and I spoke a littel be like a indian, with very easy verbs name is Mercè Bolasell, and I'm 15 years old. I live in (hello :) I'm... ), the typical verbs and easiest. And also a mistake in my oral presentation is that I put the verb stay, if not the verb be, it's a fault that in this therm I did to.. because I translate in catalan and I put stay instated of be, (In my first oral presentation, in class I said a lot of times I stay there with, I stay ...)

Wich activity best shows your level of English?
I think that the best activity for show our English it’s the oral presentation, because apart from speak in English, we must to search some new words, and chose words that everybody can understand, and you need to do a good structure because the people can understand you.

Which activites were really USEFUL for you to improve your English?
I think that are two activities for improve our English, one of this is in Aula d’Idiomes, because there you can do the things that you must more, reading, listening, speaking, in Aula d’idiomes we did all the things. And for improve, mainly, it’s the blog and portfolio because we learn new words, for things that we explain and normally this words we use in real live.

Wich activites did you not find useful to learn English? Why not?
Maybe the thing that is less useful for improve our English it’s the observation of the other oral presentations, because normally we listening, and if we writing some things we can lose the topic that the person explains.

Wich activites did you enjoy doing and would like to do agains next year?
The game are very funny and I like so much do it, and speak with Annika it’s interesting because we can practice our English with a people who lives in England, and we must to thing a lot, because she have understand us. And of course the computers it's a very good thing, and funny because there we improve a lot of thinks and we learn

3rd Oral Presentation

Our 3rd oral presentation I thing that it’s a little better than the others, because I didn’t put nervous, well maybe a bit, than the others, maybe because I have more experience and because this oral presentation in comparison with the first I did with Laia, and in pairs is better than alone. The second we did also in pairs but it was different, because the topic that we choose isn’t the best (for me), and maybe we didn’t chose the best country. And in the 3rd oral presentation the topic are interesting for Laia and me, because sometime (in class) we spoke about the problem of the education.
If I speak about the accent, well I recognize that my accent isn’t good, but I thing that I improve a little be, not a lot, but a bit yes. And also I improve my vocabulary , in the first oral presentation how was a topic about me, the vocabulary was easy and the majority of the words I knew, but now in the topic of the third term was more difficult, because some works that we didn’t know in English we must to learn an explain to the others pupils.
Maybe the thing that I didn’t improve was my body language, because I always move the hands, it’s “tic” that I do when I’m nervous, but I belive that the eye contact it’s better than the first, because in the first sometimes I looked the wall, and in the second one I looked a bit more the pupils and the teacher, althoyg in this I looked more the students.


Opinion eassy improved.

Too much important is given to exams at school. Do you agree?

I agree with this sentence. Because normally the teachers given a lot of important to the exams.
In my opinion, in the school apart of the exams, the teachers have another marks of us, like homework or work in house, or maybe some compositions. As a result, we do and if the teacher didn’t use, we did extra work for “nothing”.
I also believe that you never can have a good day, and for example when day you’ve an exam and for many reasons, problems, illness... last night you can’t study a lot, and the day of the exam you don’t know anything or if you can study a little be was difficult to pass the exam. As well, in the exam you can get empty because you put nervous.
In conclusion, the exams isn’t the thing must important of our studies. To sum up, if our final mark depends only on the exams some of us can get a worse marks.


Today I’m with Rihanna who is a very popular star of the world.
Hello Rihanna, thank you for spending your time with me. It’s a very big honor to speak with you
Hi, for me it’s a great honor to be here, it isn’t a problem, because I love speaking (lol)

Well, this year you have had a lot of success, are you surprised?
Yes, because this is like a dream, I never thought that this could happen to me.

But, when you started to sing, at 15 years old, were you aware that you could be so successful?
Well, when I was 15 I thought that singing was only a hobby and I never imagined this!

The song Unfaithful speaks about being unfaithful to a boy, is it something that you feel guilty about ?
Yes, you know when you are a teenager and you have the first boyfriend, and after you don’t want one. But I felt guitly and so I sang this song.

Someone broken your heart?
No, at the moment no. I hope that never happens to me.

Do you go out with a celebrity or do you prefer a normal boy?
It’s about the person not their social class. I only want a boy that loves me and I love him.

Thanks for your attention and I had a great time with you.
Thanks you’re welcome!



Ball, two baskets, a court
And 10 players this is the minimum for
Score baskets, maybe 2 or maybe 1, it depends the position, oh you
Know, its possible do 3 points, it’s a triple
Every player of the team have a different characteristic for play, two of them are
Tall and they catch all the rebounds, the other organize the team’s offense
By controlling the ball and making sure that it gets to the right player
Another two players are the shooting players, they do the points,
LEB, and WNBA for women, and ACB and NBA for men, they have the same feeling, they
Love this game, and I love too!

In Germany, a family intent to sell their seven-month-old boy in eBay,
only for one euro.
The police found this and contact with the family, for put in care
the baby in the services of the government of Germany.
The mother the only thing that she said was “it’s only a joke”.

A Curious history that I never imagine...
spokesman: portaveu
put on care: cuidar
Several: alguns, diversos

The still player Ronaldinho, and their brother,
went to Tailanda for speaks with the future ofhim.
At the first moment everyone thought that Ronaldinho will go to
Milan, but he didn’t go there for speak about football if not for speaks with the manager of Nike,
for his contract.

to appoint: assignar
long-standing arrangement: accord de llarga durada
business: negocis

Film Harry Potter

One actor of the film Harry Potter, was killed on the outside of a bar,
the boy who kill him with the knife it’s the same boy who kill a friend of this actor.
All the friends and family was in state of shock, because they never imagine this,
because think that the actor was a great friend and he never was in a fight.

Paramedics: professionals de la branca sanitària
Gathered: recollit
I grabbed the knife: Vaig agafar el ganviet
shattered, his family are in bits,
they're devastated:
destrossava la seva família , la feia miques.

Some gossips :)

The actress Nicole Riche, the best friend of Paris Hilton, have another
time her smile, thanks a baby. She and her boyfriend are very happy, because the baby it’s the best thing of their relationship.
She said that Joel it’s a great father, and their friends always that they want
to smoke go outside for don’t disturb the baby.

cut-off: tallar
purpose: propòsit
Demure: mesurat

Bottom butter

"Supermarket stampede as women slap £2.49 baby 'bottom butter' on their faces."
In one supermarket bought bottom butter for the girls, that she wants her face like the babies.
The people that made this said that the only ingredients are olive oil, camomile - for nappy rash - and lavender. And with 2 weeks your face changes the texture...
One of the reality who prove another bottom butter is Sandra Bullock and she said that it’s work.

slap on their faces: posarse-la per tota la cara amb el palmell de la mà
Stampede: estampida o desbanada
good moisturiser: bona crema hidratan
unlikely: improbable

Informal dialogue

Tania: Who are you? (angry voice)
Polly: well i’m, i’m Polly
Tania: And what do you do there?
Polly: I come here for speaks with Jamie, about the other day
Tania: and what happened the other day Jamie?
Jaime: well, I went to the party, and I met Polly and and...
Tania: and what happened after??! Come on Jaime answer quickly
Polly: Oh my good it’s so later, my father said that I must to be in house at 7 o’clock
Tania: No Polly, don’t go out! I think that the person who wasn’t wanted there is me.
Jaime: But Tania, this isn’t that looks
Tania: And what looks Jaime?! Bye Jaime, good luck for you and for your new girlfriend..
(a big slam who did Tania)

informal dialoge.w...
well the dialoge I try to do the voice of angry, the boy, for distinguhis the difference, but I thing that isn't notice so much...

dilluns, 26 de maig del 2008

Phrasel Verbs

How the phrasel verbs, that we learn in the "aula d'idiomes" isn't frequents in our blogs, I decied to put the it, but into a phrase, and their mean:

BREAK OFF --> parar de discutir. Maria and Pau break off
BREAK OUT --> començar la guerra. The war break out in 1914
COME UP WITH --> arribar. The come up with the solution
STAND FOR --> significar. UDG stand for Universitat De Girona
GET OVER --> superar. He get over the illnes
COME ACROSS --> trobar per sorpresa. In Italy we came acroos Saviola
MAKE UP --> reconciliar. They make up the argument
GIVE IN --> deixar-se convençar. AT first I don't go to the cinema but after I five in
TAKE OVER --> substituir. Cristina take over the teacher
GIVE UP --> rendir-se. You give up smoking.




diumenge, 25 de maig del 2008

oral presentation marks.


Causes of the drought are: rainfall and the climatge change
Consequences was wild fares, migrations...
Drought has 3 periodes: meteorological, agricultural, and hydrogolical
The estructure of the power point

100 centuries ago the people love the culture because they study in theirs house and went to the library
Frank LLoyd was an architect that build a very famous house
Will power = voluntat
He asks to people
Wich is the relation with the culture and the archictects?

Alba, Nuri, Marina
Skin Heads
Appear in U.K
Rude boys are Jamaica Boys
The music is the most importan think: it's the reagge but this evolluted to ska-reagge
Good photos
The skins are racits to all the race?

Àngels, Estela
Traffic accidents
There are more traffic accidents on the weekends.
The alcohol affect a lot, it's the most important problem
On 2007 died 1593 persons to 18 - 25 years old
Very good photos

Màrius, Jordi
The racis is the action to reconize jutge and discrimination another people.
KKK use the terrorism and the violence
Nazism it's creat for Josep Goger to refere the memeber of his politican
Nice estrucutre
In the photo the KKK wear white clothes, but I can see one person who wears black clothes, why?

Ill-trated the childrens normally are the alcholic parents
Another typical topic is the violence of genere
The most important point of the violence for make it's the education
The accent

Global Warming
Is the grow of the tº of the atmosphere and the oceans.
Greenhoouse efect = efecta hivernacle
Greenhouse efect, it's the think that change the direction of the radiations
Impactan photos

It was 3 kinds of pollution: material, sound and light pollution
Material are solid and gas
The sound pollution it's the limitation of the level sound
What do you thinkg it's the best solution, in general?

The drugs addiction
Snaps: espetegar, trencar-se
The young people take drugs normallu for: relax, new experiences...
It has 3 kinds of consumers: experimentals, ocasional and usual
Nice organitzation
Hello everybody, as you know we are Mercè and Laia and fort he last oral presentation we have decided to choose an interesting topic because anyone have chosen it.
The mundial school level is the litle of our presentation.

Well, first, we want to give you some infromation about PISA that are the responsoble of the international evoluation.

Their work is to compare the academic results of the 15 years old students of differents countries about Maths, reading, sciences and problems resolutions and they classify the academic level between 1 to 6.
The countries that participated the last in 2006, were those that you can see

Now, let’s go to see the results that Catalonia had:
Catalans students have a three level of sciencies, so this results aren’t bad because they are on the average of the OCDE countries.
In Maths the level is acceptable, also with the three level, but the main problem is with the reading comprehension because Catalonia is over average this results as you can see are bad and we ask ourselves which are the causes.

David: Do you know which are the causes?
Well, one of the causes is the immigration, because a lot of studies that did the exams weren’t born in Spain and some of them have just arrived and they didn’t dominate the catalan and they didn’t arrive to the level.
An other cause that you can see in our highschool, is that in third ESO there are a lot of students repeating.
Also it is curious that if the parents have studied until to 14 years old and they have a good economy the sutudent has good marks.

In spite of that all countries have same conditions and so the governament is seardring the way to imporve the reading comprehension in catalan and is spanish and working to improve the level.

We think that the work of PISA is useful to help the countries to know if they education is good or bad like catalonia.

Nuria: Why do you choose arts batxillerat if not scientific batxillerat?
Well, she isn’t a strange case, because it cheek that the majority of girls are better on arts, reading that not on maths or chemical, this is more for boys. But every rule has his expiation and we are a exception. But if you look you can see that, for example, in this school, has more boys in scientific batxillerat that not in arts batxillerat, for something it must be not?

We also think that before they teach you less information but it was more important for life
And the last problem of our adolescent live, the university, it’s very difficult chose a degree when we only have 17 years old, and this degree it’s for all of our live. For this it has a very big percentage of boys and girls, that they left the degree on the first year, the reasons it’s always the same, because they think that the degree was a choose and result that is another completely different, maybe it’s a problem of information, or maybe that how a lot of people said that the degree on the first year it’s the worse. Well we expect that we can pas this to us!

Well, as we could be talking about this topic a lot of hours, we want that you think about this and in a future ewe hope that the problem will be resolved our oral presentation finishes here, we hope that you liked it and you have understood that also people who lives in the devoleped would need a change.

Thank for your attention, if you have any questions this is the moment...

at the moment I hasn't got the video, when Laia will pas to me, I put it

Chicken run

Ginger, Bunty, Babs y Fowler are four chickens closed in a forced labour: if she can’t lay eggs every day, her live run risk. Ginger and her companions have decided to run away of the farm, for this they use all the things that they have; they try to leave for example to disguise oneself with a rubbish, or they do a hole, but always the dogs and the farmer catch Ginger, and put her in a “jail”, well it’s a shed when Ginger always count the days that she passed there, and is two weeks. But one day, arrive to the farm a machine for to fie of chicken. Thanks a miracle, fall to the sky, a cock Roky, that can fly, inspire to Ginger at the perfect plan for lave of the farm: go out flying. The two mouse Nick and Fetcher, helped the chickens too thanks their “inventions”. But for the chickens it’s difficult learnt fly...

rooster: gall
hen run: galliner
ley eggs: posar hous

(And I didn’t see more he film)

dissabte, 24 de maig del 2008