dijous, 27 de novembre del 2008

is humour necessary to survive?

Humours is the tendency that humans have when someon or sormeting cause to us smile or more a laughter.

I agree with the sentence because I think " what we do without humour?" the world will be sad, can you imagine? Can you think in a world when nobody laugh? Nobody know what it's a smile? All the face without wrinkle, because people said tha smile it's the guilty of the wrinkles. I can imagine this! I menan I not want to imagine this! This will be a horribel planet!
A part of this, for me humour and more exactly laug, it's a medicine for all, for example when somebody was sad, you want to do all because the other laguh or minimum simle a littel be. And a clear example it's a new method for cure, it's called the Laughter Therapy, this is a therapy when you are stress or nervous or angry or something like tihis, you read a joke or saw a funny thinks and I can assure that after you are going feel better and you will going thing positively.
Finally, I know a frase that can summarize this text: "With laugt you can express all", this means what wit humour you can do that the people feel any emotions, like of course happines, and also satisfaction, happu welfare, prosperity, and more. Maybe it's difficult that someon laugh when he's bad or sad, but with a littel of humour every body feel better.

this is a kind of humor, it's gomaespuma, a techer of english! I know that you didn't learnt anything, but this two minuts are happies or not?