dilluns, 9 de març del 2009


In my opinion, all the human Rights are good and correct, for all, but I think that it’s someone that are more important than others, well I believe it, it’s only a personal opinion, maybe for another person thinks that it have another betters, the most important for me it’s the number one: WE ARE ALL BORN FREE and EQUAL, all of us born and have a live, for lucky some people have better life than others, but this we can’t choose. The number two, it’s also important for me, this said there isn’t distinction between the people, doesn’t matter the colour of your skin, or you religion, or you political. The nº3 THE LIFE, the right to life, Think the life it’s always with us, when you smile, when you cry, when you lost someone, when you meet new people, when you… look it’s always this you! And this right it’s yours and only yours! Kept it carefully and protect it! The right the number eighteen, FREEDOM OF THOUGHT! You can believe in that you want, doesn’t matter if you believe in God, and the other is atheist or if I believe in ovni and another believe in the nature, all of this isn’t important, the important think it’s that the other people must to you to believe in that you want! And finally the right number 25: FOOD and SHELTER FOR ALL, Every person has straight the feeding, the dress, the house, the medical assistance and of course the aliments, this is basically for the life, for the survival it’s for everybody!
I've an interesting videos about the human rights that I choose: