dissabte, 9 de maig del 2009

My English 2007 - 2009 [oral presentation]

http://batxilleratportfolios.blogspot.com/2007/11/mercs-summer.html: My summer in Oxford
http://laiafont91p.blogspot.com/2009/03/blog-post.html: London

It’s a coincidence but my first and my last oral presentation are base on England! In my presentation about my summer I remember that I was very nervous, I studied a lot the day before, my voice shacked and I didn’t want to start it, because was, not the first because in 4ht of ESO we did, but was the first without the paper, I’d all in my mind. I did big corporal movement, like my last, this is normal in me. A part in my first in one moment I was in “white”, I forgotten one word thanks to the teacher I said area, but I wanted to said entrance and not area, but doesn’t matter; this is a typical mistake that some people do.
In the last one, my fluency are better, because I didn’t memorize the text and thanks the photos I said the thinks, I only must to know the places and not more. The
I improve my pronunciation, not a lot because I know that my pronunciation is very bad and I can’t improve it unless I went to England or some English country alone. But now I listening my “Summer in Oxford” and I said some words in catalane accent like “religious” (in the minute 1:11) or “terrible” (1:15) and more examples like “two times London” (4:01). And a big mistake in one moment I said “bueno” a Spanish word!
My vocabulary isn’t rich, the words than, think, stay, well I repeated sometimes
In “London” I spoken fluency, I didn’t say a lot of times “aaammh” “aaahh” and this is good, for the understanding for the public. A part I believe it’s better do the oral with another because she can help you in the bad moments, when you are most nervous.