divendres, 18 de gener del 2008


I see the thriller of the film Ratatouillle, this film looks great! It’s a comedy with great teaste, because the leading actor the rat it's a great chef.
Ladron que roba a Ladron, it's another film. This is an action film, we can't look the forms for steal The steps are first. Make a plan, second: hire the help, third: turn up the heat, and the last one run like hell.
Mr. Woodkcock, it's a bad trainer for all the children. After it's the father of one of theirs. The mean will have do heal the wounds, feel the love of his new dad.
Sidne white, it's a girl that it's different to the others girls, because she it's the only girl that she doesn’t want to be same like the other girls, for this she has a war with them

5 new words:
- Taste: gust - steps: pas - leading: principal - wounds: ferida - heat: calor