dissabte, 22 de novembre del 2008

with me - Sum 41

I don't want this moment
To ever end
Where every thing's nothing, without you
I wait here forever just to,
To see you smile
Cause it's true
I am nothing without you

Through it all
I've made my mistakes
I'll stumble and fall
But I mean these words

I want you to know
With everything, I won't let this go
These words are my heart and soul
And I'll hold on to this moment you know
As I bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go

Thoughts read unspoken
Forever and know
Pieces of memories
Fall to the ground
I know what I did and how so
I won't let this go
Cause it's true
I am nothing without you

On the streets, where I walked alone
With nowhere to go
I've come to an end

In front of you're eyes
It falls from the skies
When you don't know what you're looking to find
In front of you're eyes
It falls from the skies
When you just never know what you will find
(What you will find )

I don't want this moment
To ever end
Where every thing's nothing, without you


No vull que aquest moment
Acabi mai
On cada cosa no es res, sense tu
A la que espero aquí sempre sol
Veure’t riure es la veritable causa
No sóc res sense tu

Per tot això
He comés els meus errors
M’entrebancaré i caure
Però vull aquestes paraules

Vull que sàpigues
Amb tot, jo no ho deixaré marxar
Aquestes paraules son el meu cor i la meu ànima.
I em vaig agafar en aquell moment que coneixies.
Com sangrar el meu cor per ensenyar-te
I no et deixaré anar.

Els pensaments llegeixen tàcits
Ara i sempre
Trossos de la memòria
Cauen el terra
Jo se el que vaig fer i com abans
No et deixaré anar
La causa es verdadera
Jo no soc res sense tu.

Sobre els carrers, on vaig caminar sol
Sense saber cap a on anar
He arribat al final.

Al davant dels teus ulls
Cau el cel
Quan tu no saps el que busques
Al davant dels teus ulls
Cau el cel
Quan tu no saps mai el que trobaràs
(quan tu no saps mai el que trobaràs)

No vull que aquet moment
Acabi mai
On totes les coses, no són res sense tu.

I know that this is a old song, but i love it! I think that sum 41 it's one of the best groups! I hope that you like it :)