diumenge, 10 de maig del 2009

My English competence in 2009

http://mrcee91portfolio.blogspot.com/2009/03/sisterhood-of-traveling-pants.html the best written evidence
http://laiafont91p.blogspot.com/2008/11/oral-presentation_30.html: the best oral evidence

I believe that my best oral evidence it’s the oral presentation which I did with Laia about the different between XIX and actuality. This oral are the penultimate, maybe I did some mistakes, because one moment I don’t know what I want to said, but obviously who I’ve experience in oral presentation I can sort out the situation and I invent the words that I said (I didn’t read the paper I saw it and the words came to m) for me this is a great step, because in the others orals before this when I didn’t know what I said, I put nervous and I must to see the paper, in this oral I didn’t do this. For this I think that it’s one of my best oral presentations. A part in this the vocabulary is rich, and Laia and I used “difficult” words, we must to search some words in the dictionary, and nowadays I remember the majority. Maybe I improve my pronunciation, not a lot because I know that my pronunciation is so bad but well I can’t do anything in this moment for improve it.

On the other hand, my best written evidence are the one when I spoken about one film, a part that I love this film, I work in the text, I did a good summary because normally I only wrote 4 – 5 lines and not more, but in this I said all the important thinks that pas in the sisterhood of travelling pants. The vocabulary is worked and also the strucutre, if you compare this with the others summary this is the best. Maybe I can choose a composition but it we did without dictionary (at the first moment) I know that in the selectivitat we don’t have but well, for the moment it’s better do with it!