dissabte, 9 de maig del 2009

My English 2007 - 2009 [composition]

If I see my first email, I look that it’s very simple. The structure it’s good but the phrases are very simple, are three or four words and a full stop or coma, This summer I went to Oxford 3 weeks, for learn english and basketball, this 3 weeks were fantastic! This is an example. Also I did some mistakes with the verbs, in all the text I wrote: STAY instead of BE. Maybe nowadays I put also a lot of time THAN, but I intent to correct it, but in my first email I put: I wait that, think that, I think that, and always I used to verbs like THINK, or LIKE, actuality I try to changed it, but I believe it’s impossible. In the past I never used connectors, and nowadays I write, not a lot, but more than before. For me this is a great step for my redactions, because without it the text was very drab and monotonous.