divendres, 30 de maig del 2008

3rd Oral Presentation

Our 3rd oral presentation I thing that it’s a little better than the others, because I didn’t put nervous, well maybe a bit, than the others, maybe because I have more experience and because this oral presentation in comparison with the first I did with Laia, and in pairs is better than alone. The second we did also in pairs but it was different, because the topic that we choose isn’t the best (for me), and maybe we didn’t chose the best country. And in the 3rd oral presentation the topic are interesting for Laia and me, because sometime (in class) we spoke about the problem of the education.
If I speak about the accent, well I recognize that my accent isn’t good, but I thing that I improve a little be, not a lot, but a bit yes. And also I improve my vocabulary , in the first oral presentation how was a topic about me, the vocabulary was easy and the majority of the words I knew, but now in the topic of the third term was more difficult, because some works that we didn’t know in English we must to learn an explain to the others pupils.
Maybe the thing that I didn’t improve was my body language, because I always move the hands, it’s “tic” that I do when I’m nervous, but I belive that the eye contact it’s better than the first, because in the first sometimes I looked the wall, and in the second one I looked a bit more the pupils and the teacher, althoyg in this I looked more the students.
