diumenge, 25 de maig del 2008

Hello everybody, as you know we are Mercè and Laia and fort he last oral presentation we have decided to choose an interesting topic because anyone have chosen it.
The mundial school level is the litle of our presentation.

Well, first, we want to give you some infromation about PISA that are the responsoble of the international evoluation.

Their work is to compare the academic results of the 15 years old students of differents countries about Maths, reading, sciences and problems resolutions and they classify the academic level between 1 to 6.
The countries that participated the last in 2006, were those that you can see

Now, let’s go to see the results that Catalonia had:
Catalans students have a three level of sciencies, so this results aren’t bad because they are on the average of the OCDE countries.
In Maths the level is acceptable, also with the three level, but the main problem is with the reading comprehension because Catalonia is over average this results as you can see are bad and we ask ourselves which are the causes.

David: Do you know which are the causes?
Well, one of the causes is the immigration, because a lot of studies that did the exams weren’t born in Spain and some of them have just arrived and they didn’t dominate the catalan and they didn’t arrive to the level.
An other cause that you can see in our highschool, is that in third ESO there are a lot of students repeating.
Also it is curious that if the parents have studied until to 14 years old and they have a good economy the sutudent has good marks.

In spite of that all countries have same conditions and so the governament is seardring the way to imporve the reading comprehension in catalan and is spanish and working to improve the level.

We think that the work of PISA is useful to help the countries to know if they education is good or bad like catalonia.

Nuria: Why do you choose arts batxillerat if not scientific batxillerat?
Well, she isn’t a strange case, because it cheek that the majority of girls are better on arts, reading that not on maths or chemical, this is more for boys. But every rule has his expiation and we are a exception. But if you look you can see that, for example, in this school, has more boys in scientific batxillerat that not in arts batxillerat, for something it must be not?

We also think that before they teach you less information but it was more important for life
And the last problem of our adolescent live, the university, it’s very difficult chose a degree when we only have 17 years old, and this degree it’s for all of our live. For this it has a very big percentage of boys and girls, that they left the degree on the first year, the reasons it’s always the same, because they think that the degree was a choose and result that is another completely different, maybe it’s a problem of information, or maybe that how a lot of people said that the degree on the first year it’s the worse. Well we expect that we can pas this to us!

Well, as we could be talking about this topic a lot of hours, we want that you think about this and in a future ewe hope that the problem will be resolved our oral presentation finishes here, we hope that you liked it and you have understood that also people who lives in the devoleped would need a change.

Thank for your attention, if you have any questions this is the moment...

at the moment I hasn't got the video, when Laia will pas to me, I put it