dilluns, 26 de maig del 2008

Phrasel Verbs

How the phrasel verbs, that we learn in the "aula d'idiomes" isn't frequents in our blogs, I decied to put the it, but into a phrase, and their mean:

BREAK OFF --> parar de discutir. Maria and Pau break off
BREAK OUT --> començar la guerra. The war break out in 1914
COME UP WITH --> arribar. The come up with the solution
STAND FOR --> significar. UDG stand for Universitat De Girona
GET OVER --> superar. He get over the illnes
COME ACROSS --> trobar per sorpresa. In Italy we came acroos Saviola
MAKE UP --> reconciliar. They make up the argument
GIVE IN --> deixar-se convençar. AT first I don't go to the cinema but after I five in
TAKE OVER --> substituir. Cristina take over the teacher
GIVE UP --> rendir-se. You give up smoking.